When you’re stressed and don’t know it

Have you ever been so stressed for so long that it feels “normal”? Years ago I was going through some life stuff that had me feeling super stressed out… And it wasn’t until it was over that I realized how tense my muscles were and how much stress I was storing in my body. Maybe […]

Hitting the “mute” button (on your fitness goals!)

Fat Loss Truths!

Are you living with your “mute” button on? I’m not talking about putting your phone on silent… I’m talking about when you mentally tune out uncomfortable truths you’re not ready to take action on. Things like… Putting those things on “mute” makes it easier to ignore them. But doing that doesn’t get rid of the […]

Unlock the Secret to Smarter Fitness: Why Women Over 40 Need More Than Just Cardio

Beyond the Treadmill: Empowering Women Over 40

As a fitness expert, I often encounter questions about the effectiveness of cardio workouts for women over 40. It’s important to understand that while cardio is beneficial, it may not always be the most efficient way to achieve fitness goals for women in this age group. Here’s why: 1. Hormonal Changes Entering perimenopause and menopause […]

How To Get Toned While Enjoying Carbs Guilt-Free

Get Toned WHILE Still Eating Carbs!

The Essential Guide to Carbohydrates: Simple vs. Complex Carbohydrates are the fuel that powers our bodies, but not all carbs are created equal. Understanding the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates is crucial for optimizing your nutrition, especially if you’re over 40 and looking to shed stubborn fat. Let’s dive into the world of carbs […]

What’s The Best Way To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat (After 40)

Lose Fat and Drop Inches

Losing belly fat, also known as visceral fat, can be challenging, but it’s definitely possible with the right combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Here are some effective strategies to help you lose belly fat after 40: 1. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods: Eat a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods like vegetables, fruits, […]

Struggle with all or nothing thinking? Do this…

Do THIS For Amazing Results

Do you ever find yourself getting really frustrated that………no matter how hard you seem to try, sticking to a diet or workout routine always seems to fail? It’s not because of your intentions and it’s not because of your desire to change. It’s because you’ve fallen into the trap that we all do which is……..”if […]

Your fad diet nightmare

Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Have you noticed how people jump onboard with a popular fad diet, lose 5, 10 or even 20 pounds…only to gain it all back and then some. Why does this happen? It’s actually a simple concept, and once you understand it you will be forever saved from the tortures of yo-yo dieting. Fad diets saddle […]

3 simple eating habits for fat loss

If you’re looking to lose weight then these 3 habits are a must… 80% of your fat loss results are based on your diet. You can exercise hard every single day, but if you are making these 3 common mistakes then fat loss is going to be slow or nonexistent… Diet Habit #1: Eat More […]

Are you guilty of this too?

I love shiny new objects! You get excited about something new. You are SUPER motivated because it’s going to be awesome! You put in all the work to get started and it’s going great. And then… Squirrel! 👀 You jump to the next thing and never finish what you just started. Sound familiar? This happens ALL […]

Weight Gain After 40: Understanding the Changes and Practical Solutions

As we age, our bodies undergo various transformations, and weight gain is a common concern for many women over 40. But fear not! Instead of resorting to grueling workouts that leave you feeling drained, let’s explore the real reasons behind weight gain after 40 and discover effective strategies to maintain a healthy body. Hormones: The […]